Internet & Technology Use
The Jefferson County Public Library provides access to the Internet and computers as part of its mission to provide Jeffersonians with access to the cultural products of society and the ability to participate in democracy as informed citizens. Access is provided based on availability.
Internet safety
The library makes no express or implied warranties for the Internet access it provides. Accessing the Internet may expose you, your personal information, and your devices to security, legal and reputational risks. Information on the Internet may be disturbing, false or illegal. These risks are inherent in using the Internet. The library is not responsible for, and cannot control, the nature and content of the Internet. Patrons should review Internet safety and consider the risks before accessing public computers or networks. It is the responsibility of the patron to protect their devices, personal information and passwords.
In accordance with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (Pub. L. 106-554), all library computers and devices are equipped with a technology protection measure to filter and block access to images that are obscene as defined in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code; or child pornography, as defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code; or harmful to minors as defined in section 1703, Pub. L. 106-554. These filters may also be used to block websites that could damage library devices or networks.
It is technically impossible to prevent access to all objectionable resources. Filters are not 100% effective and may not filter images that should be blocked, and conversely, may block images that should not be blocked. Designated Library staff may, at their discretion, temporarily disable the filter for adult patrons for lawful purposes. The filtering software will not be disabled for minors.
Children's computer use
Parents or legal guardians are solely responsible for supervising their children's access to the Internet and use of technology. Minors are not permitted to borrow library technology or hotspots. Teens using the library independently are able to access WiFi, and this activity is not supervised by library staff. Parents should consider their teens' maturity level before allowing them to visit the library unaccompanied.
Hotspots & circulating technology
Circulating technology remains the property of Jefferson County. Do not remove, alter, or interfere with labels, barcodes, SIM cards, or security tags. During the borrowing period, the item is the responsibility of the adult borrower, regardless of who uses it at home. The borrower may not sell, transfer or give the item to someone else. Theft, vandalism or deliberate destruction of electronics owned by the County is a criminal offense.
Borrowers must be Jefferson County residents, age 18 and up, with a valid library card and a working phone number. The adult borrower is responsible for supervising children's use of the device.
The library cannot guarantee consistent or long-term access to circulating technology. Items must be returned on time and cannot be renewed if there is a waiting list. Items may automatically deactivate at the end of the borrowing period.
Patrons should not expect a device or service to be available to support employment or schooling. Library staff may be able to assist with finding low-cost Internet access or institutional assistance for these purposes.
Hotspots are tracked and managed by a central station. Staff are not able to access patrons personal information, and do not track usage, but are able to track the physical location of the hotspot and/or remotely deactivate it. Hotspots are also subject to filtering, whether or not they are on library property.
Circulating hotspots must be able to connect to the Verizon cell phone network. The quality of the connection is dependent on the strength of this connection (number of bars). The library cannot guarantee that the hotspot will work in your area.
The library reserves the right to suspend patrons from the borrowing program for misuse of technology, repeated damage or loss of devices; return of incomplete kits (e.g. missing a charger or case); or interfering with the device by removing labels or SIM cards.
Document services
Patrons may use library printers and faxes for personal information. Library staff will assist these patrons with discretion and concern for their privacy, but cannot guarantee complete privacy on public devices or networks. Patrons should take steps to protect their important documents and information. Avoid leaving original copies of documents on public printers. A shredder is available for public use.
Document services are provided to patrons based on their needs, without regard to content or point of view. Assistance with documents does not indicate that the library, county or staff member endorses the document. Documents printed at the library are not publications of the library or Jefferson County, but are the sole responsibility of the patron.
The library does not provide professional printing or publication services and is not equipped to print entire books or complex documents or assist with document design and formatting. Library staff will not assist with alterations to official documents or make photocopies of currency.
The library may charge small fees ($1 or under) to offset the cost of document services. These are subject to change.
IT assistance
The library staff may provide basic assistance with computers, mobile technology and hotspots, including assistance accessing the WiFi network and resolving simple IT problems (such as connecting to a printer or unmuting a video). IT assistance is based on staff availability and time constraints. It is not guaranteed to be available or effective in resolving the issue.
At the request of the patron, and under their direct supervision, the library staff may briefly handle devices. The library is not responsible for any damage to devices, loss of information, or exposure of personal information due to a staff member's handling of a device.
Library staff may not provide advanced IT assistance (installing or uninstalling software, debugging, formatting drives, physical repairs, etc.); handle personal information; fill out forms; assist with website design; or provide other complex professional services. Patrons may not leave personal devices at the library for diagnosis or repair.