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Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Use this form to register your preschool child for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This program provides free books monthly to children under the age of 5. The books will be mailed to your home. Children who are not the same age will receive different books. You can view this year's book lists here.

Click the link below to download the form. The form must be filled out and signed by an authorized adult, such as a parent or legal guardian. After the form is completed, you can upload it to this page, bring it to the library or mail it to:

Jefferson County R.J. Bailar Public Library
c/o Dolly Parton Imagination Library
375 S Water St
Monticello, Fl 32344

Please note that if you do not have a mailing address in Jefferson County, Florida, or if you move out of town, you will need to find your local program in order to apply for Dolly Parton. If the program is not available in your area, you may be able to join a waiting list.

You should receive your first book within two months, and then continue to receive books until your child turns 5 or you move out of the service area. Make sure to update your information if you move. If you do not receive books, or there is another problem with your registration or book delivery, call the library at 850-342-0205.

Download Dolly Parton Imagination Library Registration


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